It seems that every one that I have met who feels called to the New Evangelization has their own story involving Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is not mere coincidence, rather it is part of a special grace through the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. About a year ago, I had an encounter with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that changed the way I understood who and what Mary is, how God loves the world and what He desires to reveal to the world through this image about Himself and His relationship with every human person. I saw that the image of Divine Mercy is present in the tilma. It is present in that the torso of Jesus Christ appears there and The Shroud of Turin aligns perfectly. Why? Our Lady of Guadalupe is revealing the Love story between God and His Children. God is declaring His mother as a co-operator in bringing about the redemption of mankind. In fact, it has been pre-destined for the remnant Church to be in the America's and for Mary to be the Intercessor. Throughout history she has protected the remnant Church from death, disease and persecution. She is once again heralding to her Children that SHE desires to pour out a supernatural grace of receptivity and in doing this we will be opened to her spouse, The Holy Spirit and He will become one with us. The Holy Spirit desires to become espoused to us so that we too can allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit, given to the Church at Pentacost, to become operational.
Through consecration to Mary, we too will be given great fruits as well as supernatural protection from Mary. Through invoking Our Lady of Guadalupe, to hide us in her mantle, it will be as if we are hidden from the enemy, invisible. God desires for us to get the whereabouts of her Shrines out to the faithful because they will be safe havens during coming persecutions. They will also be places of great miracles and conversions.
These "signs" are to bring more people to belief in the one true risen Lord, Jesus Christ. He said that we would do miracles and even more than He so that people might believe. Now is the time. We must begin to tell people this love story. We need to buckle down in our parishes regardless of what we do or do not like going on there and we need to set up pilgrimages to The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, the first approved Marian Apparition site in the entire United States of America.
Why go to Medjugorje? Come to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, after all it is an approved place where Mary appeared and provided protection to those who came there for safety. One day soon, we will need to flee to her again. Do you know where to go? Another place of refuge is the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse. I believe this will also be a place of refuge and protection. Finally, there is the Shrine "Mary Help of All Christians at Holy Hill ". It also will be a refuge. We need to begin having speakers in to tell the Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe so that she can begin to mystically open us with her graces of receptivity.
Please note the Shrine of Necedah is demonic. It is a disproved apparition site and extremely dangerous. It is not a place of refuge it is a place that only will bestow confusion, perversion and pain.

Our Lady of Guadalupe has a message from God to the people of this particular time in history. There are now three discoveries found in the image in the 20th century that were not part of God's plan for conversion of the Aztec people of Mexico so why would he have put them there unless the generation that would discover these things were to be evangelized by them. Truly the culture of death we live corresponds in many ways to the culture of death of the people of Mexico in 1531.
God has a reason for everything, why would he have put these images in the tilma unless they were meant to be discovered when the veil thinned enough so to as reveal another message in an age that is in desperate need for conversion.
Am I the only person asking the question of "Could there be
a message in the Tilma for the Century of the Church that is most like the
Aztec culture? We are after all, a culture with false deities, shedding of
innocent blood and in need of divine intervention as well as a poor man's
catechism to re-evangelize our pagan world are we not?
So, I contend, we are making discoveries in an image that always held these new findings but they were laying dormant until the age upon which would need it most would not only discover it, but through a gift of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there would be an outpouring of grace and receptivity to the world so that we would, through the sacred doorway of art, discover the spiritual realm.
The Aztec's were catechized through glyphs, through pictures that spoke a language to them. Through the lens of Iconography and science, Theology and Technology are revealing the teachings of our faith once again and I expect to see millions healed, converted and protected through Our Lady of Guadalupe.
So, I contend, we are making discoveries in an image that always held these new findings but they were laying dormant until the age upon which would need it most would not only discover it, but through a gift of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there would be an outpouring of grace and receptivity to the world so that we would, through the sacred doorway of art, discover the spiritual realm.
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Nahuatl Glyphs were words telling a story |
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Banner Used In Mexico because the Image of OLG was believed to be a powerful intercessor |
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Mary Brings St. Juan Diego up the Hill and He discovers the Flowers in Bloom |
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St.Juan Diego goes Bishop Zummaraga with the Message from Mary |
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Bishop Zummaraga receives the sign He prayed for as well as a miracle! |
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The Aztec's were catechized through glyphs, through pictures that spoke a language to them. Through the lens of Iconography and science, Theology and Technology are revealing the teachings of our faith once again and I expect to see millions healed, converted and protected through Our Lady of Guadalupe.
I have now heard a 3rd
discovery that lends itself to the technological age upon which we live. Perhaps my theory that there is a message
within the Tilma, for the century and the technological age that would have the
equipment to detect it, and that because of the discoveries, would be
re-invited to discern the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The microscope, Kepler's Advanced Mathematics and computer software and mechanics that drive phonographs, Iconography and photography are part of the technology that has revealed this invitation to the world. The microscope enabled us to discover the miracles in her eyes.
The microscope, Kepler's Advanced Mathematics and computer software and mechanics that drive phonographs, Iconography and photography are part of the technology that has revealed this invitation to the world. The microscope enabled us to discover the miracles in her eyes.
Not only does her eye act like a living eye, which was discovered and then confirmed by over 10 Ophthalmologists that her eyes demonstrate the Samson-Pukinje effect, which is that of a 3 fold reflection of an image on the cornea that occurs when a living eye is viewing something, but the images that are reflected there are of 14 people. They are of a family, Juan Diego, Bishop Zummaraga, the interpreter and a few others who were present in the room at the time the tilma was presented to the Bishop. It is as if Our Lady of Guadalupe was present in the room.

One would expect the crossing to be right at the Nahui ollin, the glyph for the one true God in her womb but it is not.
Instead it is right where it out to be, over the sacred and merciful heart of Jesus whose heart is pierced and water and blood are flowing down the inner robe and pooling in the Aztec fold.

To show the pierced heart and the groin area together is indicative of art that shows the fulfillment of the old and new covenants. Christ came to circumcise the hearts of men. To transform them through his blood. Since Christ's body was Mary's flesh and bones it makes sense. The Mandala shape around her in gold rays is also an artistic expression of icons revealing the convergence of two things, here we see God become man. We also see Mary and Savior in a Eucharistic way.
His body and blood was her body and blood. Her human nature giving him his. In iconography the mandala is reserved for Christ but of course she is pregnant with Christ but now we see Christ is also present in the image through Divine Mercy. (More on this below). Another finding that points to this same truth is that the constellations on the tilma reveal the center of the universe. The center is over the flow of water and blood NOT the Nahuai Ollin as we would think it would.
The Tilma is a geographical map of Mexico. Where each of the 9 flower clusters are laid out on the inner robe (Nahuatl Glyphs) is where the mountains are. Tepayac Hill is represented by the Nahui Ollin. These images help to show you how this is laid out.
What is the 3rd discovery I mentioned? It is a song. A friend who traveled to Mexico and met with Msgr. Eduardo Chavez (as well as ancient documents cited in “Mexican Phoenix” has said as much has just told me. My friend told me that Msgr. Eduardo has taken pins and put them into every center of every flower. If you look at the stars and the center of the flowers, it aligns with notes on a staff. Very soon I will upload the song played on a piano.
I want to note that I have shown on this website the research proving that music can create an effect on us. My article entitled "Good Vibrations" shows the biological changes that certain hertz, frequencies and vibrations that music has on us. St. Hildegard created a lot of this very kind of healing music and there are multiple youtube videos of it for those who want to listen. The music probably provides healing vibrations. Some say that when God created us He sang the world into existence. St. Francis said that if you sing you are praying twice. Music is a powerful medium because it effects both the spiritual and physical reality of each person.
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Even the words we SPEAK can effect a substance |
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Neurons before stimulation |
Music heals our bodies and one of the tilma's messages to us is that she is pouring out graces to heal the wounded hearts of humanity so that we can receive and retain the graces that are being showered upon us from God.
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Neurons stimulated by music |
Just as she healed Juan Bernadino, St. Juan Diego's uncle, she is bringing healing to us. I do not have all the specifics on this but am working on getting them and will update this when I do. I should note that when Juan Diego was walking through the mountains he first heard beautiful music before he ever saw Mary. Music was the mans that the Aztec's prayed as well as dancing to music. Everything that meant something then means something now for us.
The tilma itself is a miracle. The image of Our Lady appeared in a moment upon the cloth made of Agave plant. For almost 500 years, the tilma has remained without deteriorating even though it is on cloth made of cactus. In 1785 a worker accidentally spilled cleaning fluid made of 50% nitric acid on the upper right corner of the tilma. “Besides any natural explanation, the acid has not destroyed the fabric of the cloth, indeed it has not even destroyed the colored parts of the image,” Orozco said.

In 1921 a bomb was set off inside of the church in an attempt to destroy the image. The explosion cracked the marble floors, shatter the windows that were over 150 meters away yet no one in the church was hurt nor was there even a scratch on the glass that enclosed the tilma within.
There are 14 people
The tilma has been studied by artists, has been scanned using ultraviolet rays, microscopes and more. The colors have been determined to be neither plant, nor mineral nor animal yet the image was created almost 200 years before synthetic dyes were invented. There are no brush strokes, other than the ones that are of persons painting on top of the tilma to "improve" it. The paint they added is unable to stay adhered and flakes off of the image as if it is rejecting any improvements.
One example is of the addition of silver to the black moon. It seems some people thought black was a demonic color and should not be on the tilma so they tried to cover it. There has also been gold paint added to the gold rays in an attempt to make it more beautiful.
There is a book called "The Mexican Pheonix" written by a Cambridge professor that shows ancient documentation he uncovered in the library archives in Mexico that the original artist in charge of caring for the tilma, signed on his death bed, a confession that there was a crown on Our Lady but that he did not paint over it.
Rather, he said in his confession, that it disappeared due to the sin that of the people and one day it would mystically re-appear. It should be noted that the first missionary image that was painted using the original was the image aboard the ship at the Battle of Lepanto.
It is said that the sailors brought the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe from below to the main deck and implored her direct intercession when attacked by the Muslim armies at sea. They implored Our Lady of Guadalupe and prayed the rosary. The victory was told to Pope Pius V by the Holy Spirit, a week before he received official word. The reason it was such a victory is because so many priests and religious were aboard the Moslem ships. Because they surrendered, thousands of lives where saved. Pope Pius V later declared the victory through the rosary but in fact it was through the rosary and the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe that saved the day. This is only one of thousands of stories in which a missionary image of Our Lady of Guadalupe has interceded to protect or preserve the faithful who implored her help.
This image was less than 40 years from the original and had a crown in the painting. It is this reason scholars such as Mnsgr Eduardo Chavez believe that the tilma once revealed her as crowned but that it has since disappeared. The artist in charge of the tilma was accused of painting it on the original and then removing it. There are others that thought it was painted over and is underneath layers of paint. There also was the incidence of the top of the tilma being cut off when the glass frame came from Rome because the dimensions of it were off.
If you look close, you can still see it, or is it beginning to appear as more of her army consecrates itself to her Immaculate Heart? Whatever you decide, there are many that believe it will one day re-appear, miraculously as a message to the Church. I tend to agree based on the evidence I have read.
The tilma is a supernatural image from God and it tells us a love story of God for His Children, love of the bridegroom for His bride and Mary as mother and sister to mankind. This story is one that invites us back to union and communion with our creator. Blessed Pope John Paul II gave the Church so much while he was the vicar of Christ. One of the things he gave the Church was his reflections on scripture called "Theology of The Body". He helped us to see that the body makes visible the invisible person. That we are not animals or objects but we are persons. He also showed helped us to understand the trinitarian love of God. That God so loved the world that He gave Himself as a free, total, faithful and fruitful gift to the son and that Jesus Christ, the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity gave Himself as a gift of love back to the father in a Free, Total, Faithful and Fruitful way and the fire of love that burned between them WAS the 3rd person of the Holy Trinity. It should be noted that Pope Paul VI wrote about love being full, total, faithful and fruitful in his work of "Humanae Vitae". This concept was his but of course JP2 worked on that before he was Pope.
Theology of the Body is the antidote to a world in a downward spiral. We are living in a time of spiritual leprosy. There are many that no longer believe in the dignity of the human person or being made in the image and likeness of God. When we lose the truth about being male and female we lose our purpose, which is to love and to be loved. At the time Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared in Mexico, they too had no understanding of who God was or that they had been made in His image and likeness. In fact, they were living in a culture of death that demanded human sacrifice to appease the demonic gods so that they could live to see another day. They also took many wives because they saw them as spoils of war. When the Franciscans came and tried to teach the faith to them some chose to be baptized but nearly all resisted monogamous marriages. It was only after Our Lady of Guadalupe came that they sought sacramental marriages. This was seen by many scholars as the real miracle.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is revealing the love of the Bridegroom for His bride and that we are all asked to come to the wedding feast.
The tilma announces Mary as Mother, as Spouse/Bride and as Sister. She is the bride in the Song of Songs that is BOTH sister and bride, love free from concupiscence.
She is sister to humanity but she is also sister in that she shares the same biological DNA as Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is revealing the love of the Bridegroom for His bride and that we are all asked to come to the wedding feast.
The tilma announces Mary as Mother, as Spouse/Bride and as Sister. She is the bride in the Song of Songs that is BOTH sister and bride, love free from concupiscence.
She is sister to humanity but she is also sister in that she shares the same biological DNA as Jesus Christ.
Like an identical twin, she shares the same biological matter of Jesus. He "split" from her side like Eve split from the side of Adam. Here we see the New Eve, Mary and the New Adam, Jesus Christ, sharing the same biological matter.
It is the perfect undoing of knots that were tied in the Garden of Eden.
In the virginal garden of Eden, Eve with her No to God, took the fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil and with her free will ate the fruit and in doing so she brought spiritual death to her children.
Mary, received into her virginal garden, the fruit of all Knowledge (The Alpha and Omega). With her Yes to God, she brought spiritual life to her children.
As twins split so too did Eve from the side of Adam. The exception is that identical twins cannot be of the opposite sex, yet woman did come from the side of man. The fact that a woman could come from the side of man reveals that our masculinity and femininity reveals a great mystery.
“Let us make man in our own image, male and female He created them” are words revealing the infusing of the divine life into our bodies and being revealed through our bodies.
Mary gave her flesh, all of it, to Jesus. This is the reason she was immaculately conceived. Just as Eve was taken from the image and likeness of God (not the dust of the earth as Dr. Alice Von Hildebrand likes to joke) Eve took her sinless flesh from the Adam. Now we see that God is starting over from scratch, to make new all things and so the New Adam is taken from the image and likeness of God, that is spotless and sinless, a seamless garment.

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Artist is Michelle Jennes please read her description |
I believe the Shroud is the Icon of the New Adam and the Tilma the Icon of the New Eve. It is no wonder then that the Shroud can be aligned over the tilma and when it is done, you see the torso of Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross is present in the inner robe of Mary.
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The Shroud of Turin is The Icon of The New Adam |
Both the Shroud and the Tilma are supernatural images created by God. The Shroud is the Icon of The New Adam and the Tilma is The Icon of The New Eve. Both reveal God's plan for mankind yet there are many similarities in them.
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Flower like Glyphs appear in the Shroud |
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Many of the Glyphs on the shroud resemble the tilma |
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The pollens are significant just as the many kinds of flowers picked by Juan Diego is significant |
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There are some that see Mary in the shroud |
Jesus, The New Adam, reveals through the shroud that we are called to the banquet (last supper table cloth). We are called by the Bridegroom to the marriage wedding feast of the lamb. It reveals that Christ is who He said He was, the son of God and that He rose from the dead (the resurrection was the "flash" that created the image like a photographic negative onto the cloth).

The tilma reveals that every person is called to union and communion. The tilma is used in wedding ceremonies and the two are tied together to symbolize union. The tilma is worn on the body, the sacramentality of the body is being heralded in the tilma. The role of co-redemptrix is being heralded and the invitation to become cooperators is issued to all of mankind. The message of mercy is what will attract those who do not feel worthy.
Jesus body was Mary's body
The Shroud aligns with the tilma revealing Divine Mercy |
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The Shroud was used to create the first Icon's |
His most sacred and merciful heart is pierced and water and blood pour out, spraying out then down the robe and pool in the Aztec fold above her feet. This is not a subjective opinion. I have been able to prove it using the dimensions of the shroud as well as using the Nahuatl glyphs that correspond at these exact locations within the tilm. Once you understand their original meanings you see that in fact, they are speaking the same truths. The wise man glyph has the color of deep red, like blood, coming forth as if springing out of the mouth. This also aligns with the shroud to show the heart of Jesus. In fact, the Guadalupan scholars all agree this is an upside down heart glyph.

It is the hill glyph that shows a new civilization of love will begin with this God of all Gods that Mary is bringing. It will be the sacrifice to end all of the human sacrifices they believed they must offer to their false gods. The wise man glyph was understood as a wise man of knowledge beyond earthly understanding, what we would call a mystic and they were to go to him for more knowledge about who this God is.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe is The Icon of The New Eve |
The top of the heart shaped glyph was in the shape of a Bishop's mitre and so it pointed the Indians to Bishop Zummaraga, the wise man that wore the pointy hat.
She IS the woman in the Song of Songs.
Clusters of flowers were used as glyphs to depict the most beautiful of prayerful poems and music of the Aztec people. Hidden within the clusters on her robe, lies a song. It is a song of holy music. In their culture dancing is a form of prayer or entering into the prayer and many see her as dancing.
Clusters of flowers were used as glyphs to depict the most beautiful of prayerful poems and music of the Aztec people. Hidden within the clusters on her robe, lies a song. It is a song of holy music. In their culture dancing is a form of prayer or entering into the prayer and many see her as dancing.
The fact that OLG is dancing meant that she is participating in the song revealing that she IS the bride. Yet, she is making the music because she is CO-OPERATING by playing the morocco, which she is holding in the palms of her hands (yet it is sacred music since her pinky's are in the position of St. Anthony's cross).
The fact that she is making the music shows her role in the redemption of man as her own conception was immaculately conceived (1st date of apparition was the feast of the Immaculate Conception) and that through her Fiat, her yes, The New Adam was given flesh and blood from which to give us his Fiat. Just as Adam was free from concupiscence when from his side 100% of his DNA was utilized to create woman. Like an embryonic twin that splits, Adam split and God breathed into her his divine life, thus creating woman. So now we have The New Eve, free from Concupiscence, sharing her flesh to give life to the New Adam. God is outside of time. He created time and until He created us it did not exist. The Immaculate Conception reveals this. We now see that Time is a spiral. It is circular but spirals toward completion.
This theology is shared pictorially in that she is holding the morocco in her
hand (her immaculate conception and her Fiat, her participation is validated).
Mary reveals to all humanity that we also are called to the redeemer as bride.
She is revealing that just as both man and woman co-operated in the fall of man
(both of them ate of the forbidden fruit) so to has God declared that man and
woman would and should co-operate in the redemption of the world.
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Mary participates on every level as Christ makes all things new, she is also assumed into heaven so that the feminine receptive is shown to us and that she too is redeemed. Woman is participating in the original vision of God. In a world wrought with feminism, she calls the feminine heart home to truth. Even her body is glorified and raised into heaven. We see the New Adam and The New Eve become eschatological.
The tilma and the shroud tell the story through sacred art that
male and female we are redeemed. It is the story of Eschatological Man and
Woman. It is Theology of the Body in the declaration of the incarnation, the
sacrementality of the body and it catechizes a culture of death in a gentle way
that they have been made in the image and likeness of God, male and female He
created them and we were created to Know (intimate relationship), love (not
animals for use as objects of pleasure) and to serve (to live a vocation
revealed through our bodies to be mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, brides
and bridegrooms.
Blessed Pope John Paul II is the Wise
Man Glyph
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First Pilgrimage of Pope John Paul was to OLG in Mexico |
Blessed Pope John Paul II is the Wise
Man Glyph
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Pope John Paul II launched an investigation into the "disproved" messages of St. Faustina and her diary. It is by his efforts that the Message of Divine Mercy and brought it the the faithful |
In 1531 the wise man glyph pointed the indians to Bishop Zummaraga. Now we are being pointed to Bl Pope John Paul II. That is why the glyph of Blessed Pope John Paul II is there in
the wise man glyphs, right were the water and blood flow, from the corner of
his mouth as he is the pontiff that brought us Divine Mercy out of the
obscurity it was in and through his efforts became an integral piece that will
re-evangelize the Church.
It would make sense to ask the question as whether or not there is a foundation upon which to build a case that Our Lady of Guadalupe is exposing a "demonic trinity".
I would like to demonstrate that it is in several ways. First of all, the culture from which the Aztec people came believed in many different gods and goddesses. It has been said by many scholars that there has never been a culture using such obvious demonic symbols and rituals. The snake has long been understood as a symbol of the devil. Snake skin was used to cover the drums that where beaten during the ritualistic slaughter of their victims on the altars of these such gods and goddesses.
"This is an image from the last page of one of the maya codex. It is taken from the library in Dresden Germany. It is of the serpent God. It is a serpent like creature with symbols of constellations on it's side with signs of solar and lunar eclipses hanging from it's belly. It's wide open jaws has a flow of water pouring earthward." (From America's Treasure" by Helen Behrens)
"The old woman goddess is a personification of death and destruction a writhing serpent on her head and skull and crossbones decorating her skirt holds a bowl from which also gushes a destroying flood containing rocks." (Helen Behrens)
"At the bottom is the black God of War, the bird of Evil Omen on his head; two javelins in his right hand a long staff in his left, all three pointing downward. It is the Mayan way of depicting Venus or the Aztec Serpent with feathers, (feathers indicating flight through space) and of the God of War, Mars, the Aztec Huitzilopochtli. It is a true representation of what happened throughout the centuries when this Comet approached our planet, causing darkness and all manner of catastrophes to befall mankind. The sculptured heads of the spirant represent the great comet with the ancestors of the inhabitants of Mexico had seen. At least 20,000 human sacrifices a year where made to the gods." (Helen Behrens "America's Treasure published 1964 Nihil obstat Mons. Gregorio Aguilar Imprimatur Lo decreto S. E. R. Doy fe Mexico March 1963 by Mons. Octaviano Valdes Srio).
It should also be noted that the book "Catholic Prophesy; The coming chastisement" put out by Tan Publishing has entire chapter on "The Comet". There are many prophesies given by saints throughout the ages that believe this will again be the source of a coming chastisement.
There are two speculations I make. There is a demonic trinity at work in the world and the Aztec and Mayan people depict their "persons" in their codexes. Much like an icon, a codex is theology in color intertwined with historical events ("demonic trinity" is a name I use that was given this name by Fr. Miguel Guadalupe of "The Veils of Our Lady of Guadalupe").
First, that their codex gives evidence to the demonic trinity being operational during their lifetimes and that they were linked to supernatural events as well as the stars.
Secondly, that the constellations are and always have been a way in which God reveals truth. The three wise man followed a star to Bethlehem and anyone who has watched the DVD "The Star of Bethlehem" knows that the stars revealed the conception, birth and each of Jesus. Using advanced Astronomy software, the bible and secular historical documents the creator of "The Star of Bethlehem" proved definitively that the star of Bethlehem was birthed through the Virgo constellation and in fact he shows this on screen to the viewer. He uses scripture to show us that Kepler's quote "Astronomy is the Wise Mother and Astrology is the foolish daughter" means that we do not ignore the constellations here, in fact we should be asking, why did God chose to put those constellations in the sky to be captured by the tilma and why are they configured where they are on the tilma pictorially?
The discovery of the constellations of stars appearing in precise locations on the mantle of Our Lady of Guadalupe is another invitation. They have been proven to be in the exact positions of the constellations of the morning sky of 1531 using Johannes Kepler's advanced mathematical formulas and advanced software from N.A.S.A.
I would like to demonstrate that it is in several ways. First of all, the culture from which the Aztec people came believed in many different gods and goddesses. It has been said by many scholars that there has never been a culture using such obvious demonic symbols and rituals. The snake has long been understood as a symbol of the devil. Snake skin was used to cover the drums that where beaten during the ritualistic slaughter of their victims on the altars of these such gods and goddesses.
"This is an image from the last page of one of the maya codex. It is taken from the library in Dresden Germany. It is of the serpent God. It is a serpent like creature with symbols of constellations on it's side with signs of solar and lunar eclipses hanging from it's belly. It's wide open jaws has a flow of water pouring earthward." (From America's Treasure" by Helen Behrens)
"The old woman goddess is a personification of death and destruction a writhing serpent on her head and skull and crossbones decorating her skirt holds a bowl from which also gushes a destroying flood containing rocks." (Helen Behrens)
"At the bottom is the black God of War, the bird of Evil Omen on his head; two javelins in his right hand a long staff in his left, all three pointing downward. It is the Mayan way of depicting Venus or the Aztec Serpent with feathers, (feathers indicating flight through space) and of the God of War, Mars, the Aztec Huitzilopochtli. It is a true representation of what happened throughout the centuries when this Comet approached our planet, causing darkness and all manner of catastrophes to befall mankind. The sculptured heads of the spirant represent the great comet with the ancestors of the inhabitants of Mexico had seen. At least 20,000 human sacrifices a year where made to the gods." (Helen Behrens "America's Treasure published 1964 Nihil obstat Mons. Gregorio Aguilar Imprimatur Lo decreto S. E. R. Doy fe Mexico March 1963 by Mons. Octaviano Valdes Srio).
It should also be noted that the book "Catholic Prophesy; The coming chastisement" put out by Tan Publishing has entire chapter on "The Comet". There are many prophesies given by saints throughout the ages that believe this will again be the source of a coming chastisement.
There are two speculations I make. There is a demonic trinity at work in the world and the Aztec and Mayan people depict their "persons" in their codexes. Much like an icon, a codex is theology in color intertwined with historical events ("demonic trinity" is a name I use that was given this name by Fr. Miguel Guadalupe of "The Veils of Our Lady of Guadalupe").
First, that their codex gives evidence to the demonic trinity being operational during their lifetimes and that they were linked to supernatural events as well as the stars.
Secondly, that the constellations are and always have been a way in which God reveals truth. The three wise man followed a star to Bethlehem and anyone who has watched the DVD "The Star of Bethlehem" knows that the stars revealed the conception, birth and each of Jesus. Using advanced Astronomy software, the bible and secular historical documents the creator of "The Star of Bethlehem" proved definitively that the star of Bethlehem was birthed through the Virgo constellation and in fact he shows this on screen to the viewer. He uses scripture to show us that Kepler's quote "Astronomy is the Wise Mother and Astrology is the foolish daughter" means that we do not ignore the constellations here, in fact we should be asking, why did God chose to put those constellations in the sky to be captured by the tilma and why are they configured where they are on the tilma pictorially?
The discovery of the constellations of stars appearing in precise locations on the mantle of Our Lady of Guadalupe is another invitation. They have been proven to be in the exact positions of the constellations of the morning sky of 1531 using Johannes Kepler's advanced mathematical formulas and advanced software from N.A.S.A.
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Demonic Trinity It has gone by many names but the angels that were cast out of heaven have been working to bring death to the world since the beginning. |
Lady of Guadalupe is revealing a great spiritual battle that the world has been
engaged in since the beginning of time itself with a demonic trinity and she is
declaring herself to be the pre-destined intercessor in this battle. "In the end my Immaculate Heart Will triumph" are the words of Fatima.
Our Lady is staring into the constellation of
Draco, the dragon. The head poised under
her as if ready to breath hot fire and sulphur on her. In her eyes she holds the family as domestic
church and the Bishop and priests present as the Church on earth.

The dragon in scripture is said to be the liar, the deceiver and the one that brings division, confusion and schism. The dragon’s attack is on the family and it begins with the same lie in the garden, God is not who He says He is, God does not love you, you are animals not persons made in His image. When we believe the dragon we embrace homosexuality, pornography, atheism and more. The dragon seeks to lie about God our Father in Heaven and to divide and confuse His children.
Notice the 7 heads of the dragon in scripture? This is the liar and his lies are the 7 deadly sins which are all sins that result from believing the liar and turning away from God and to self for truth.
Pride is an idolatry of self through intellect, academics, vanity to name a few. The liar tells us that we have no value and worth so we make our own. It is used to escape feelings of unworthiness and shame.
Envy is an idolatry of status. We believe what is rightfully ours was or is being taken away from us or denied us.
Greed is an idolatry of material wealth because there is no trust in being taken care of.
Gluttony is an idolatry of substance to comfort through pleasure.
Sloth is an idolatry of substance to avoid pain and suffering.
Anger is an idolatry of control to overcome feelings of powerlessness.

Lust is an idolatry of relationship using sex to fill the need for union and communion.
Mary reveals in the tilma that she will be our intercessor to expose the liar by holding us in her eyes as she stares it down. She will be the intercessor of the Church in the America’s, which I believe has been predestined to be the remnant church during the end of days.
her left should as if ready to sting her with it’s venom is the Scorpio
constellation. In scripture scorpions
are referred to as wounding. They are
also referred to as perversions of the flesh.
St. Hildegard talks about this in her Scivia’s vision # eleven. This is entity Ashtoreth, Lilith, Jezebel,
and the Whore of Babylon. It is the emasculator of men, it is feminism it
denies the gift, its womb is closed and barren, it is the counterfeit Mary that
blasphemes union and communion.
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Drawn by St. Hildegard of Bingen this false Mary has come to devour. The head at the entrance to her womb is a monster with teeth that shred like steel she says. |
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The goddess on tepeyac hill had flaccid breasts because as a "mother" she did not give life she took it |
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The totem of Goddess Tonantzin |
It is an
attack on the 2nd person of the trinity, Jesus comes in the flesh
and it works with the dragon/liar to create wounds within us. Wounds are how the enemy gains his ability to
oppress and oppress. This entity has
remained almost hidden from view until OLG exposed it. This is a raping spirit that mocks
receptivity by creating wounds, forcing gashes in a person so the enemy can
infest himself there.
This is fallen angel most probably uses the feminine because of the ability to emasculate men and to control through sexual perversion. Where Mary is receptive the scorpion a closed, where Mary is fruitful the scorpion is barren, where Mary is gentle the scorpion is harsh. Where Mary is Virgin the scorpion is Whore. This is an attack on Jesus by first attacking Mary. In this truth we see that the way to overcome this demonic entity is to first invoke St. Joseph under the title of "Terror of Demons".
third entity, the serpent is one of spiritual and physical death. Notice how if you draw a line between the
three it forms an inverted triangle over the torso of Mary. This is a perverse and upside down demonic
trinity because the enemy can only mock and mimic, he has no power only God has
power so the enemy must use truth to manifest any real spiritual effect.

The serpent works with the liar and
wounder and once the forced receptivity or opening as been gained (the liar gets the person to submit will to
the proposed lie, turning a person from God to self, the wounds create the
opening and pain so that the person closes themselves to suffering of the flesh
in any form) the serpent moves from infestation to oppression and like the
Kundalini spirit, works to possess the person.
The darkness that ensues leads to spiritual and even sometimes, physical
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other aspect of the serpent is to use abortion as a demonic sacrifice. It was responsible for the mass killings on
the Aztec altars, the murdering of innocence young boys in Egypt, the killings
and starvations in Russia by Stalin and Lenin, the killing of Jews in the
holocaust, the murder or ethnic cleansing in Rwanda and now in the Middle

The murder of human beings is a
diabolical sacrifice that acts like spiritual gasoline. It has been going on since the beginning. It seems the mass deaths are required, the spilling of blood to manifest the spiritual dark powers into the physical realm.
Mary has always come to warn their children and ask them to pray, sacrifice and do penance to overt great evil. When figures like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler rose up and killed their evil was finally subverted by grace which poured out of Mary's army through answering their mother's call to arms.
Where evil abounds, grace abounds all the more. We must however, note that the enemy tries to spill blood and as much as possible, and the blood is not that of Christians (although Christians died in the holocaust it was predominantly Jews, homosexuals, disabled etc.). This is because the enemy realizes that shedding the blood of Christians creates martyrs and their blood is the seed of the Church. He does not want fertile ground. The killing of Christians will be massive once the anti-christ has been personified because then the darkness has been achieved for such a thing to happen. It will then be the descent, upon which we will not be able to undo.
It has been going on since the beginning and it continues today. There are a few sins that cry out for justice. These sins are crimes against the Immaculate Conception. One of them is homosexuality and another is abortion.
With Obama's health care bill paying for abortion on demand and forcing hospitals now to do this evil deed, the blood of the innocent unborn will run like a river of blood through our country. This will pour out darkness like we have never seen.

Mary has always come to warn their children and ask them to pray, sacrifice and do penance to overt great evil. When figures like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler rose up and killed their evil was finally subverted by grace which poured out of Mary's army through answering their mother's call to arms.
Where evil abounds, grace abounds all the more. We must however, note that the enemy tries to spill blood and as much as possible, and the blood is not that of Christians (although Christians died in the holocaust it was predominantly Jews, homosexuals, disabled etc.). This is because the enemy realizes that shedding the blood of Christians creates martyrs and their blood is the seed of the Church. He does not want fertile ground. The killing of Christians will be massive once the anti-christ has been personified because then the darkness has been achieved for such a thing to happen. It will then be the descent, upon which we will not be able to undo.
It has been going on since the beginning and it continues today. There are a few sins that cry out for justice. These sins are crimes against the Immaculate Conception. One of them is homosexuality and another is abortion.
With Obama's health care bill paying for abortion on demand and forcing hospitals now to do this evil deed, the blood of the innocent unborn will run like a river of blood through our country. This will pour out darkness like we have never seen.
the laws that God has ordained as true, the enemy uses the truth that blood is
a bonding of spiritual and physical and manifests a relationship or covenant to
do the same but in an evil way. The
spilling of blood manifests a spiritual reality in the physical realm. The spilling of blood of an innocent is a
sacrifice and when done in abortion, the woman’s body is used as an altar. This is not just a bad thing happening in our
world, it is actually manifesting dark powers and forces in our world and it
seeks create darkness that will overcome the graces from our prayers, penance
and fasting of the faithful. Perhaps
now, in an age that no longer seems to believe in God, the scales have been
tipped and we have descended the spiral towards the opening of the seals.
is like a spiral. It is circular in that
it is ongoing. The reason every
generation believed Jesus would come back was because he was, but through the
grace that abounded in the world allowed for the time and the age of Mercy to
continue. The enemy knows he loses in
the end so why would he want to bring about the end of the world when he is
having so much “fun” here? Because the enemy realizes that by bringing about
the end of days, no more souls will be born to glorify God for all eternity in
heaven and this is a victory, however small in our eyes, because a single soul
has so much value to God.

I am reminded of the saints that had the stigmata as well as the ability to bi-locate (St. Padre Pio). If you have read any of the biographical books of Venerable Anne Catherine Emerick you will remember she said that when Adam and Eve sinned the mystical openings where divine light shone from their bodies closed. When Christ was crucified the five openings where mystically re-opened. Perhaps the Saints have been mystically pierced with an arrow to open them to this divine light.
If this is the case then the enemy has found a counterfeit way to open a person.
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Our Lady of Guadalupe Icon Spain |
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St. Luke "Writing" the Icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe |
The icon is said to have been carved by St.
Joseph and painted or “written” by Saint Luke, was given to St.
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Bishop Leander |
Gregory the
Great in the 5th century, escaped the plague through begging for the intercession of God's mercy by caring the Icon of Our Lady that would later be known as Guadalupe, over his head.

To protect the image during the infiltration of the Muslims into Spain. In fact it was the protection of Our Lady through the Icon that protected the remnant Church in hiding there.
Here is more from Fr. Ladis J. Cizik of the Blue Army "The village of Fatima was given the Islamic name of the well-loved Princess of the nearby Castle of Ourem. She died at an early age after marrying the Count of Ourem and converting to Catholicism. Baptized with the Christian name of Oureana, she was named at birth "Fatima," like many other Moslem girls, in honor of the daughter of Mohammed. Of his daughter, Fatima, the founder of Islam, Mohammed, said: "She has the highest place in heaven after the Virgin Mary."
It is a fact that Moslems from various nations, especially from the Middle East, make so many pilgrimages to Our Lady of Fatima's Shrine in Portugal that Portuguese officials have expressed concern. The combination of an Islamic name and Islamic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great attraction to Moslems. God is writing straight with crooked lines, as we will see. Fatima is a part of Heaven's Peace Plan."
It was then re-discovered by a farmer after Mary
revealed it’s location, a church was built and then the America’s were
discovered by those who went to her Church to consecrate herself particularly
to her, Our Lady of Guadalupe-Spain. She is responsible for ending a culture of
death in Mexico and propagation of the faith in the America’s.
They built a Church there and named the Icon "Our Lady of Guadalupe" because of the river nearby.
Queen Isabella consecrated her reign to her after making a pilgrimage there.
While this article does not provide all of my research, it has enough information so that those in which whom the Holy Spirit has touched already or are ready to see, will in fact see and perhaps do their own research to see what part God is asking them to play in what I believe is showing the way to the largest Evangelization to take place in the shortest amount of time since 9 million Aztec's were baptized within a 7 year period.
way is through Mary as Co-redemptrix (co-operating with) Christ's Divine Mercy
as revealed through this image and explained by Bl. Pope John Paul II in his
many writings. When we enter into these
mysteries, we then see that we are all called to co-operate in the redemption
of the world. As Caryll Houselander says
in her book “The Reed of God” we are called to be christs (small c). We are called to be tabernacles in which
Christ is brought to others. It is God’s
decision to enter man into his salvific plan.
He desires that a priest bring us Eucharist and he desires that we
Christ in others. This is dignity of the
human person.
Our Lady of Guadalupe give you the receptivity in your heart to hear and see
how Christ's Divine Mercy desires to be revealed through your gifts, your
apostolate and your life. It will be then that after becoming receptive, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and through a mystical espousal, the operational gifts of the Holy Spirit will be released and THIS will transform the world. Want more on how to recognize the New Pentecost? Go to Renewal Ministries and start with listening to the audio on The New Pentecost. Then check out their books. If you have not consecrated yourself to Mary, DO IT NOW! This is how you enlist into the Army.
On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because He wants the Church’s victories now and in the future to be linked to her… —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 221