Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good Vibrations

Studies have suggested, after scientists studied a group of Monks that practiced Gregorian Chant, that it's use can and does alleviate fatigue, depression and illness because of the herz ranges (around 8000) and vibration patterns of the sounds.


What would you think if I told you that Gregorian chants creates a harmonic vibration that has been proven in studies to eliminate fatigue, heal and cure disease and illness, extinguish depression and enable the person who sings Gregorian chant, to subsist on as little as 2 hours of sleep a day because it stimulates the part of the cerebral cortex through creating a separate vibration with our bones at a completely different vibration and hertz level that, when the cranium and skull vibrate at this frequency, acts like a magnifier as the bones of the head amplify the vibration affecting the brain at an even more magnified capacity.

I wonder if that is why we put bones of the martyrs under our churches or keep the bone fragments as relics, because when their bones are present before us and with us, and as we as a mystical body of Christ "sing" or chant this holy music that even at a scientific decibel level brings grace (this is the foundation of TOB) that their bones "sing" with us and the song vibrations that hum with us, could it be because God is free from space and time, is somehow allowing a supernatural grace to flow from their glorified bodies (if God is free from time and space to take the merits of the cross and apply it to create Mary Immaculate, then why could he not allow the bones in our presence of the Saints to emanate with a glorified song that we could mysteriously receive our own healing from as the vibrations frequency, creates it's song in our own bones?

It would make sense as to why we have so many people on anti=depressants and other medications, which I think is a tool of the enemy to numb us to the inspirations and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps God desires to "amplify" the healing power of the Eucharist but allowing music to be a conduit of healing grace that we receive bodily, in the form of the songs very essence which is not from the voice but the unique vibrations of Gregorian Chant, it is found in Handel's Messiah, the Ave Maria.... perhaps these unique vibrations are a gift for the soul that we receive somatically because of the sacramentality of the Body.

Can you tell the difference?? from Corpus Christi Watershed on Vimeo.

Then it would make sense why the enemy has had this all but removed and why we as a society are dying, diseased, depressed and fatigued. I would even go so far as to speculate that a deliberate infiltration of liturgical music has occurred in which the songs vibration patterns, frequency and harmonic structure is not only opposite of Gregorian Chant and Handel's Messiah and the Ave Maria, but it is more closely resembles that of noise when tested by computers. "Here I am Lord" composed by Dan Schutte, an ex-Jesuit Priest ordained and has left the priesthood and living in San Francisco.

Dan Schutte's song, His song, "Here I am Lord" vibrates on a harmonic or wave length levels almost identical to noise.

When sang, the vibrations of the chant, create a separate vibration at it's own herz level (around 2000) that emanate from the bones. It is as if the bones "sing" say the scientists and this "song" is measurable. More specifically the cranium, or skull and jaw bone, resonate at this herz level. The eardrum and stapes vibrate from this unique vibration and stimulate a very precise center of the cerebral cortex of the brain. The monks that were studied were able to subsist on less than 4 hours of sleep, some less than 2 hours of sleep a day, were healed of illness and experienced an overall sense of well being. When scientist studied these same monks who, due to an edict halting the practice of Gregorian Chant, were studied after they discontinued the singing of Gregorian chant, they became ill, depressed and fatigued to the point that many were unable to function or complete their duties or rigorous schedules. Once this was made known, they were given permission to once again sing Gregorian Chant and the monks suffering from illness and depression were healed. Here is more on this amazing discovery.

Alfred Tomatis is a French physician and specialist in otolaryngology, who has been working with understanding the function of the human ear and the importance of listening for forty-five years. In this connection we will look at his discoveries of sound, which ”charge” the listener. Tomatis found that sounds that contain high frequency harmonics, such as those found in Gregorian chants, are extremely beneficial. It is these high frequencies around 8000 Hz, which are capable of ”charging” the central nervous system and the cortex of the brain. In many of the sacred chants of the different tradition, the main out put of high frequency harmonics are dominant, which offer stimulation to the brain.

Tomatis himself discovered this when he was called to help a Benedictine monastery, where the monks were suffering of fatigued and depression. He found out, that they usually six to eight hours of chanting - due to a new decree - has been ceased, and within a short period of time the monks was unable to perform their many duties. When Tomatis re-established their daily chanting, the monks were soon able to continue their rigorous schedule of work and prayers.
Here is Theology of The Body in practice; When we listen to Gregorian Chants, our bodies experience a supernatural phenomenon that affects our well being.

For Tomatis, a major aspect of the therapeutic affects of vocal harmonics lies in the conduction of the bones, which are stimulated by resonance of around 2000 Hz. He says:

”The sound produced is not in the mouth, not in the body, but, in fact, in the bones. It is all the bones in the body which are singing and it is like a vibrator exciting the walls of the church, which also sing.”

Bone conduction’s actually amplifies the sound through resonance of the cranium and the skull. According to Tomatis, bone conduction stimulates the stapes muscle of the ear, which he believes is the key to stimulating and charging the brain. Tomatis himself manages with a small amount of sleep, less than four hours a night. He attributes this to his listening to sound, which are rich in high harmonics.

Tomatis has described a phenomenon, which has been called ”The Tomatis Effect”, that states that the voice can only create and duplicate those sounds, which the ear is able to hear. This means that until you are able to hear various overtones, you will not be able to create them in your voice.

Listening is undoubtedly a key, not only in obtaining the ability of creating vocal harmonies and improvement of the voice, but of understanding aspects of other levels of consciousness. In the Hindu tradition there is a great awareness of listening as a tool for enhanced consciousness. The art of listening to the outer and inner sound.

Perhaps the architecture and the acoustics of a church DO matter. Perhaps the way we sing and what we sing DOES influence how we pray, how we believe and even our health. Maybe so many people today are on medications for depression and illnesses and experience a physical and mental fatigue because the very healing gifts of the mass are being removed or altered in such a way as to prevent the body from being able to participate in the gifts God clearly desires to be experienced in and through the body. We are body and soul and God designed it this way therefor it makes sense that the designer would have a reason for giving us the senses and a reason the mass is designed to be experienced through them. So why is it we are not singing Gregorian Chants? I don't know the answer to that, but clearly the same organization that decided to provide all of the parishes around the world with new hymnals with new music, are making millions of dollars as each Diocese keeps buying their products.

PLEASE READ "New Mass Same Heretical Music" to see WHY this is significant!


Notice how simply and beautiful the patterns are. It appears like a ladder, one in which our souls can climb to ascend to God as our souls receive the outpouring of Grace when we receive communion.

This one too has an equal amount of space with sound and silence that aspires us upward to the spiritual plane.

Then there is the new Comtemporary music that must of us all sing at mass. Please notice how the following structure is more noise than silence.

HERE I AM LORD by Dan Schutte Vibration and Frequency Patterns:


Noise takes up all of the space with it's darkness. Darkness is actually measured scientifically by the absence of light. I have heard Dr. Waldstein say that there is no such thing as hate, only the absence of love. So we see that the more absence of silence within a song, the more darkness that it provides. Perhaps this darkness is a blocking agent of the enemy. Theresa Tomeo has a whole book on Noise. I think that noise is an agent of the enemy and blocks us from being able to receive all God desires to give us.



  1. Enjoyed hearing you on the show today. Quite interesting. I hope the future of Church music is more and more chant.
    God bless.

  2. Thanks so much. Be sure to read through the two other articles linked to this one. One is "New Mass same heretical music" and "What is the Taize Community and why are we singing...." My Radio show on Radio Maria is every Wed live from 5 to 6. The links are on the top right hand side of my blog.

  3. I'm really intrigued by the with/without stimulation neuron images.

    I've never seen a photo of neurons like the "with stimulation" pic before. It looks remarkably like a computer-generated fractal function, such as the Julia set.

    Could you share with us the source of the images? I'd love to learn more about the study or experiment that produced that image, and how they captured it.

  4. The supposed "brain neurons with stimulation" image is just a fractal, looks like a section from Mandelbrot, So I suppose the whole content of the page is just lies and bullshit.

  5. For the person who wanted more info on the brain neurons there are many articles online you can read including research.

  6. Anonymous,

    I am not sure why you are so upset by the article as to swear but let me assure you this is far from lies. The scientific research and data are factual and by merely doing a search of vibrations and healing or music therapy or vibrations effects on the brain, in fact any number of these word searches, will bring up hundreds if not thousands of links to this data.

    As for the pictures, do a search on brain neurons being stimulated, then click images, you will see that the tentacles that are manifested is a very known phenomenon, I learned about it in High School Biology. It is how the electrical impulses travel through the nervous system. Another well know and documented phenomenon.

  7. I grew up with Gregorian chant in France...and appreciate it very much..thanks for the expanded article on good harmonics.
    One comment: Here I am Lord...perhaps if sung with the right pauses could be meditative as well...check out
