Friday, September 24, 2010

5 Themes of Theology of The Body I would like explained further

I have been thinking a lot about areas of Theology of The Body that I would like to understand on a deeper level. There are many. However, some of the areas are important to the extent that if there is confusion, the entire body of work can be misunderstood. Here are just five areas that I would love to see explained further, with subtopics I would like explained in context if they do relate at all.

1. Sex as a Noun

a) Redemption of the Body
8:23 Romans
b) As a truth expressing “The Beginning” the Ontological man and (TOB 46:6) Called in that truth, what does the body reveal?
c)Spousal Meaning of the Body
who man is
who woman is
who they are reciprocally one for the other in the work of creation
1) Freedom occurs to concupiscence of heart
(Freedom of that spiriutal state and power that derive from
mastery over the concupiscence of the flesh.
2) (TOB 46:6) Spousal in regard to the last sentence in TOB 46:5, “the
supreme value, which is love, dignity of person, expressed through
reciprocal relations of man and woman.
2. Sex as a Verb
3. Lust
1. Relate desire inside of this
2. Discuss the ramifications of Lust and concupiscence being translated from the original text.
4. Theology of Concupiscence
1. Three Fold Concupiscence, we need a solid language
1. Define all three
1. Nietzschean hermeneutics, concupiscence of the heart
2. Marxist Hermeneutics, Concupiscence of the eyes
3. Freudian hermeneutics, Concupiscence of the flesh
1. Is this carnal concupiscence?
2. Relate “Remedy or Relief of Concupiscence to this to further clarify lust
and mature purity.
3. Is “Pride of Life” saying that the trinity and it's truth is replace with
the me, myself and I trinity?
4. Unfold scripture John 2:15-16 and Romans 8:23 in light of this clarification
of language.
5. Does the quote “The words of Christ testify that the original power (and thus also the grace) of the mystery of creation becomes fro each one of them the power (that is the grace) of the mystery of redemption. Mean that the cross provides the power and grace to redeem the body in such a fullness that we can be healed in one or more areas of the 3 fold concupiscence? Can we be freed from one or more of the 3 forms of concupiscence if indeed we can say that there are 3?
1. If God is a trinity and a relationship are we as well a trinity of body, soul, and intellect/free will? Would it make sense that there would be concupiscence in these three separate areas, of the body, the soul (heart) the intellect/will (our eyes and what we choose to put into it? Perhaps we are not giving credence to the fact that only through continence (motivated by love) can allow us to heal the concupiscence of the eyes which are the window to the soul and in looking away we do not allow into our souls/hearts the opportunity to lust. So it is not only continence but also it is freedom and healing that must in union be embraced so that we can be healed in these areas?
5. Mature Purity
To include discussion of (46;6) “a vision of man's possibilities”. Important that precisely in his heart he does not feel himself irrevocably accused and given up tot he concupiscence of the flesh but that in the same heart he feels himself called with energy.” (Is energy here referring to the power and grace available to us through the redemption of Christ on the cross or what is he referring to here?

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